Porträtfoto von Gerald Hüther

Dr. Gerald Hüther


Dr. Gerald Hüther is a neurobiologist, author, scientist and is one of Germany’s most prominent brain researchers. He deals with neurobiological prevention research as part of various initiatives and projects. He’s written numerous self-help books, holds lectures, organizes conventions, works as an advisor to politicians and businesspeople, and is a frequent interview partner on radio on television. He both shares knowledge and implements it.

His outreach work is focused on disseminating and implementation of insights from modern brain research. He views himself as a bridge-builder between scientific findings and social/individual life practices. The aim of his activities is to create more favorable conditions for developing human potential.

Men’s and boys’ issues are a matter of the heart to Gerald Hüther. He is the author of the book Men: The Weak Sex and His Brain, he has been a selfless supporter and collaborator of MALEvolution for years.


Unconditional interest in the development of our boys

Most people still assume that the important thing is to achieve a certain desired state: a degree, job or other qualification, a new car, a great vacation, the perfect partner, wonderful children, perfect schools, retirement provision, health, etc. They then focus all their attention on these things, just as people in Babylon focused on the golden calf. They then focus all their attention on these things, just like the people in Babylon focused on the golden calf. But life is not geared towards the achievement of states, but towards the unfolding of the possibilities inherent in all forms of life and their interaction. Thinking, feeling and acting should therefore be oriented towards the ever new possibilities for further development, towards broadening horizons, if it wants to remain alive. We humans should therefore have an unconditional interest in the development of the other. That is precisely the definition of love. So: How does one become a man and not what is a man? And: Who has an unconditional interest in the development of a boy into a man?


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